About Us

About Us


The company derived its name from the commodity term "basis", which is the difference between the price of a commodity in one market and the price of a commodity in a different market at any given point in time. Basis differentials emerge from "different markets" through locational basis (different locations, local market verses futures), product or quality basis (different grades), and calendar basis (different tenor or time).

Who we are

Basis Energy was established by a group of veteran oil and natural gas traders and operations personnel. The managing partners and team members have worked on behalf of various global commodity trading firms, investment banks, merchant refiners, hedge funds, and major oil companies. The team is well versed in all types of bulk liquid oil acquisition and logistical movements of fuel via vessel, barge, pipeline, rail, and truck. In addition the group has extensive experience in managing price risk through the use of derivatives (futures, options, and swaps).
The core business involves consulting relating to merchant supply and trading of renewable fuels and feedstocks, waste products, refined petroleum products, agricultural products, organic fertilizer, and environmental credits. Basis also assists its clients with tolling/processing and offtake arrangements. The company provides innovative supply solutions for wholesale oil companies, retail fuel stations, major oil companies/refiners, midstream marketers, commodity trading firms, agricultural firms, utilities, and other end-users.  Basis Energy also has a secondary business which involves the purification of biofuel feedstock for use in straight-run or co-processed renewable fuel production facilities/refineries.
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